Aldergrove Vineyard Church Values
1. Intimacy with God: Inviting God’s intimate presence into our lives through worship, prayer, and through studying and meditating on the Bible.
2. Passionate, Jesus-centered faith: A commitment to take risks in partnering with God, eagerly expecting that we will see him act.
3. God’s realm touching ours in power: Believing and expecting the supernatural in-break of God’s Kingdom-rule.
4. Presenting Jesus to neighbours & nations: Partnering with God in presenting Jesus the Saviour to the world.
5. The Bible – God’s true word: Inspired by the Spirit of Truth, the Bible gives us life-changing knowledge and truth and transforms us into the image of Christ.
6. Sharing our lives: Being a welcoming, outward-focussed community of faith where we invite people into our lives in a way that they feel accepted and “at home.”
7. Doing good: Showing kindness to all people, expressing compassion and seeking justice towards those in need and towards the marginalized members of society.
8. Investing all we have to serve Jesus and others: Understanding that everything we have belongs to God and that we are his stewards who use all the resources he gives us for his eternal purposes.